This page contains sites of technical and trade associations, organizations, federation, confederations, no-profit organization and/or special interest groups related to pulp, paper, printing and forestry in North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia.

  1. Alberta Forest Product Association (AFPA), Edmonton, AB, Canada(AFPA)
  2. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC
  3. American Forests, Washington, DC, USA
  4. American Forest and Paper Association (AF &PA), Washington, DC, USA
  5. American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Forest Product Division, New York, USA
  6. Association of Independent Corrugated Converters (AICC), Alexandria, VA, USA
  7. Association of Nonwoven Fabrics Industries (INDA), Cary, NC, USA
  8. Book Manufacturers Institute, Inc., (BMI), Wellesley, MA, USA
  9. Chemical Institute of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada F
  10. Canadian Forestry Association, (CFA) Canada
  11. Canadian Institute of Forestry Ottawa, Canada
  12. Canadian Printing Industries Association, Ottawa, Canada
  13. Corrugated Packaging Council, Rolling Meadows, IL, USA
  14. Empire State Forest Products Association (ESFPA), Albany, NY, USA
  15. Fibre Box Association, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
  16. Flexographic Technical Association, Ronkonkoma, NY, USA
  17. Forest Product Association of Canada (FPAC), (Formerly CPPA) Montreal, QC, Canada
  18. Forest Product Society, Madison, WI, USA
  19. Forest Resources Association Inc. (formerly American Pulp Wood Association Inc), Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA
  20. Institute of Packaging Professional, Naperville, IL, USA
  21. Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc., Washington, DC, USA
  22. International Council of Forest &Paper Association (ICFPA)
  23. National Association of Printers &Lithographers, USA
  24. National Paper Trade Association (NPTA) Inc., Great Neck, NY, USA
  25. National Council of Paper Ind. for Air &Stream Improvement Inc., USA
  26. Newspaper Association of America (NAA) USA
  27. Paper Industry International Hall of Fame Inc., Appleton, WI, USA
  28. Paper Industry Management Association, (PIMA), Mount Prospect, IL, USA
  29. Paper Recycling Association, Montreal, QC, Canada
  30. Paper Shipping Sack Manufacturer's Association Inc., Coopersburg, PA, USA
  31. Paperboard Packaging Council,Springfield, MA, USA
  32. Printing Industries of America, (PIA) Inc., Alexandria, VA, USA
  33. Pulp & Paper Health & Safety Association, North Bay, ON, Canada
  34. Pulp & Paper Product Council, Canada
  35. Pulp & Paper Technical Association of Canada (PAPTAC), Montreal, QC, Canada
  36. Pulp & Paperworker Resource Council, USA  
  37. Quebec Forest Industry Association (QFIA), Sainte-Foy, QC, Canada
  38. Technical Association of Pulp &Paper Industry (TAPPI), Atlanta, GA, USA
  39. Wisconsin Paper Council, WI, USA
  40. Wisconsin Paper Group, Inc., Neenah, WI, USA


  1. Asociacion Colombiana de Tecnicos de la Industria dePulpa, Papel y Carton (Acotepac), Colombia
  2. Asociacion de Fabricantes de Celulosa y Papel (AFCP), Buenos Aires, Republic of Argentina
  3. Association of Caribbean, Central, and South American Corrugators (ACCCSA), San Jose, Costa Rica
  4. Asociacion Tecnica De la Celulosa Y El Papel (ATCP), Chile
  5. Associacion Nacional De Industriales - Camara de Pulpa, Papel y Carton (ANDI),Cali, Columbia
  6. Brazilian Corrugated Board Association, Sao Paulo, Brazil
  7. Brazilian Forest Association, Sao Paulo, Brazil
  8. Brazilian Pulp & Paper Technical Association (ABTCP), Sao Paulo, Brazil
  9. Colombia Associacion Nacional De Industriales - Camara de Pulpa, Papel y Carton (ANDI), Cali, Columbia
  10. Corporacion Chilena de la Madera (CORMA),Santiago, Chile
  11. La Asociaciön Venezolana de productores de Pulpa, Papel y Cartön "APROPACA, Venezuela


  1. Association de Investiacion Technica de la Industria Papelera Espanola, Madrei, Spain
  2. Asociacion Nacional de Fabricantes de Pastas, Papel y Carton (ASPAPEL), Madrid, Spain
  3. Association of Belgian Pulp, Paper &Board Producer (COBELPA), Belgium (Site in English, French &Dutch)
  4. Association of Chemists & Engineers o the Pulp & Paper Industry (ZELLCHEMING), Darmstadt. Germany
  5. Association of Polish Papermakers, Lodz, Poland
  6. Association of Pulp & Paper Industry, Prague, Czech Republic
  7. Association of the Swiss Pulp, Paper and Board Industry (ZPK), Zurich, Switzerland
  8. Associazione Italiana fra gli Industriali della Carta, Cartoni e Pasta per Carta (ASSOCARTA), Rome, Italy
  9. Ausbildungszentrum der Õsterr. Papierindustrie - Papiermacherschule
  10. Austrian Paper Industry Association, Vienna, Austria
  11. Austrian Association of Pulp & Paper Chemists & Technicians (OZEPA), Vienna, Austria
  12. Austria Recycling (AREC), Austria
  13. Basque Paper Cluster, San Sebastian, Spain
  14. Bureau of International Recycling, Brussels, Belgium
  15. British Recovered Paper Association, UK
  16. British Wood Pulp Association, UK
  17. Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Pulp & Paper Converting Association, Slovenia
  18. COBEREC ASBL, Brussels, Belgium
  19. Confederation de l'Industrie Francaise des Papiers, Cartons et Celluloses (COPACEL), Paris, France
  20. Confederation of European Paper Ind. (CEPI), Brussels
  21. Confederation of Paper Industry, UK
  22. Czech Pulp and Paper Industry Association, Hostiva, Czech Republic
  23. Danish Paper, Board and Pulp Makers Association, Grenna, Denmark
  24. European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers (FEFCO), Paris, France
  25. European Federation of Multiwall Paper Sack Manufacturers, Paris, France
  26. European Recovered Paper Association (ERPA), Brussels, Belgium
  27. European Tissue Symposium (ETS), Brussels, Belgium
  28. Federation of the Hungarian Printers, Budapest, Hungary
  29. Federation of Norwegian Process Industries (PIL), Oslo, Norway
  30. French Federation of the Paper, Cardboard &Cellulose Industries (COPACEL), Paris, France
  31. Finish Forest Industries Federation (FFIF), Helsinki, Finland
  32. Finish Paper Engineers Association, Helsinki, Finland
  33. Forest Stewardship Council, Italia
  34. German Pulp &Paper Association,(VDP) Bonn, Germany
  35. Industry Council for Packaging and Environment (INCPEN), London, UK
  36. International Association of Hand Papermakers and Paper Artists (IAPMA), Mainburg, Germany
  37. International Research Association for Deinking Technology (INGEDE), Munich, Germany
  38. Italian Association of Paper, Paperboard &Pulp Manufacturers, Italy
  39. National Association for Portuguese Pulp, Paper &Board Industry (CELPA), Portugal
  40. National Association of Manufacturers of Pulp, Paper and Board (ASPAPEL ), Spain
  41. Netherlands Paper &Board Association (VNP), Hoofddrop, The Netherlands
  42. Norsk Industri, Norway
  43. Paper Agent Association, Kent, UK
  44. Paper Chemical Association, UK
  45. Paper Federation of Great Britain
  46. Paper Industry Technical Association (PITA), Lancashire, UK
  47. Paper Technology Specialist (PTS), Muenchen, Germany (English & German)
  48. Pro Carton, European association of Carton manufacturers and Cartonboard Mills, Zurich, Switzerland
  49. Pulp & Paper Industry Association (SPPAC), Czech Republic
  50. Pulp & Paper Industry Federation of Slovak Republic, (ZCPP), Ruzomberok, Slovakia
  51. Russian Association of Pulp & Paper Organizations & Enterprises (RAO BUMPROM)
  52. Swedish Forest Ind. Federation (SFIF), Stockholm, Sweden
  53. Swedish Association of Pulp &Paper Engineers, Stockholm, Sweden
  54. Technical Association for Cellulose and Paper of Italy, Milano, Italy
  55. The Patronizing Organization for Romanian Pulp & Paper Industry (ROMPAP), Romania
  56. Union of Pulp and Paper Industry of the Slovak Republic (ZCPP SR),Banska Bystrica, Slovak Republic
  57. Vereinigung der Osterreichischen Papierindustrie - Austropapier, Veina, Austria
  58. Vereniging van Nederlandse Papier-en Kartonfabrieken (VNP), Kruisweg, Netherlands


  1. Arab Federation of Paper, Printing and Packaging Industries, Baghdad, Iraq (English & Arabic)
  2. Asian Corrugated Case Association, Singapore
  3. China Paper Association (CPA), Beijing, China
  4. China Standardization Technical Committee of Papermaking Industry
  5. China Technical Association of Paper Industry, China
  6. Federation des Industries Forestieres, Association des Arts Graphiques et de l'Emballage, Rabat, Morocco
  7. Federation of Corrugated Box Manufacturers (FCBM), New Delhi, India
  8. Indian Pulp & Paper Technical Association (IPPTA), Saharanpur, UP, India
  9. Indian Paper Manufacturers Association, New Delhi, India
  10. Indian Agro & Recycled Paper Mill Association (IARPMA), New Delhi, India
  11. Japan Technical Association of Pulp & Paper Industry, Japan
  12. Japan Paper Association, Tokyo, Japan
  13. Korea Packaging Association, Seoul, Korea
  14. Korea Paper Manufacturers Association, Korea
  15. Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry, Korea
  16. Malaysia Pulp & Paper Manufacturers Association, Selangor, Malaysia
  17. Packaging Manufacturers Association, Istanbul, Turky
  18. Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa (PAMSA),Johannesburg, South Africa
  19. Paper Recycling Association of South Africa, Rivonia, South Africa
  20. Syndicate of the Owners of Paper and Packaging Industries in Lebanon, Beirut, Lebanon
  21. Taiwan Technical Association of Pulp & Paper Industry, Taiwan
  22. Technical Association of Pulp &Paper Industry of Southern Africa (TAPPSA), Johannesburg, South Africa)
  23. Western India Corrugated Box Manufacturers Association (WIMCA), Mumbai, India

  1. New Zealand Forest Industries Council (NZFIC), Wellington, New Zealand
  2. New Zealand Forest Owners Association (NZFOA), Wellington, New Zealand
  3. Packaging Council of Australia, South Melbourne, Australia
  4. Technical Association. of Australian & NZ P & P Industry (APPITA), Carlton, Victoria, Australia



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