This page contains sites of technical and trade associations, organizations, federation, confederations, no-profit organization and/or special interest groups related to pulp, paper, printing and forestry in North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia.
- Alberta Forest Product Association (AFPA), Edmonton, AB, Canada(AFPA)
- American Chemical Society, Washington, DC
- American Forests, Washington, DC, USA
- American Forest and Paper Association (AF &PA), Washington, DC, USA
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Forest Product Division, New York, USA
- Association of Independent Corrugated Converters (AICC), Alexandria, VA, USA
- Association of Nonwoven Fabrics Industries (INDA), Cary, NC, USA
- Book Manufacturers Institute, Inc., (BMI), Wellesley, MA, USA
- Chemical Institute of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada F
- Canadian Forestry Association, (CFA) Canada
- Canadian Institute of Forestry Ottawa, Canada
- Canadian Printing Industries Association, Ottawa, Canada
- Corrugated Packaging Council, Rolling Meadows, IL, USA
- Empire State Forest Products Association (ESFPA), Albany, NY, USA
- Fibre Box Association, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
- Flexographic Technical Association, Ronkonkoma, NY, USA
- Forest Product Association of Canada (FPAC), (Formerly CPPA) Montreal, QC, Canada
- Forest Product Society, Madison, WI, USA
- Forest Resources Association Inc. (formerly American Pulp Wood Association Inc), Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA
- Institute of Packaging Professional, Naperville, IL, USA
- Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc., Washington, DC, USA
- International Council of Forest &Paper Association (ICFPA)
- National Association of Printers &Lithographers, USA
- National Paper Trade Association (NPTA) Inc., Great Neck, NY, USA
- National Council of Paper Ind. for Air &Stream Improvement Inc., USA
- Newspaper Association of America (NAA) USA
- Paper Industry International Hall of Fame Inc., Appleton, WI, USA
- Paper Industry Management Association, (PIMA), Mount Prospect, IL, USA
- Paper Recycling Association, Montreal, QC, Canada
- Paper Shipping Sack Manufacturer's Association Inc., Coopersburg, PA, USA
- Paperboard Packaging Council,Springfield, MA, USA
- Printing Industries of America, (PIA) Inc., Alexandria, VA, USA
- Pulp & Paper Health & Safety Association, North Bay, ON, Canada
- Pulp & Paper Product Council, Canada
- Pulp & Paper Technical Association of Canada (PAPTAC), Montreal, QC, Canada
- Pulp & Paperworker Resource Council, USA
- Quebec Forest Industry Association (QFIA), Sainte-Foy, QC, Canada
- Technical Association of Pulp &Paper Industry (TAPPI), Atlanta, GA, USA
- Wisconsin Paper Council, WI, USA
- Wisconsin Paper Group, Inc., Neenah, WI, USA
- Asociacion Colombiana de Tecnicos de la Industria dePulpa, Papel y Carton (Acotepac), Colombia
- Asociacion de Fabricantes de Celulosa y Papel (AFCP), Buenos Aires, Republic of Argentina
- Association of Caribbean, Central, and South American Corrugators (ACCCSA), San Jose, Costa Rica
- Asociacion Tecnica De la Celulosa Y El Papel (ATCP), Chile
- Associacion Nacional De Industriales - Camara de Pulpa, Papel y Carton (ANDI),Cali, Columbia
- Brazilian Corrugated Board Association, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Brazilian Forest Association, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Brazilian Pulp & Paper Technical Association (ABTCP), Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Colombia Associacion Nacional De Industriales - Camara de Pulpa, Papel y Carton (ANDI), Cali, Columbia
- Corporacion Chilena de la Madera (CORMA),Santiago, Chile
- La Asociaciön Venezolana de productores de Pulpa, Papel y Cartön "APROPACA, Venezuela
- Association de Investiacion Technica de la Industria Papelera Espanola, Madrei, Spain
- Asociacion Nacional de Fabricantes de Pastas, Papel y Carton (ASPAPEL), Madrid, Spain
- Association of Belgian Pulp, Paper &Board Producer (COBELPA), Belgium (Site in English, French &Dutch)
- Association of Chemists & Engineers o the Pulp & Paper Industry (ZELLCHEMING), Darmstadt. Germany
- Association of Polish Papermakers, Lodz, Poland
- Association of Pulp & Paper Industry, Prague, Czech Republic
- Association of the Swiss Pulp, Paper and Board Industry (ZPK), Zurich, Switzerland
- Associazione Italiana fra gli Industriali della Carta, Cartoni e Pasta per Carta (ASSOCARTA), Rome, Italy
- Ausbildungszentrum der Õsterr. Papierindustrie - Papiermacherschule
- Austrian Paper Industry Association, Vienna, Austria
- Austrian Association of Pulp & Paper Chemists & Technicians (OZEPA), Vienna, Austria
- Austria Recycling (AREC), Austria
- Basque Paper Cluster, San Sebastian, Spain
- Bureau of International Recycling, Brussels, Belgium
- British Recovered Paper Association, UK
- British Wood Pulp Association, UK
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Pulp & Paper Converting Association, Slovenia
- COBEREC ASBL, Brussels, Belgium
- Confederation de l'Industrie Francaise des Papiers, Cartons et Celluloses (COPACEL), Paris, France
- Confederation of European Paper Ind. (CEPI), Brussels
- Confederation of Paper Industry, UK
- Czech Pulp and Paper Industry Association, Hostiva, Czech Republic
- Danish Paper, Board and Pulp Makers Association, Grenna, Denmark
- European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers (FEFCO), Paris, France
- European Federation of Multiwall Paper Sack Manufacturers, Paris, France
- European Recovered Paper Association (ERPA), Brussels, Belgium
- European Tissue Symposium (ETS), Brussels, Belgium
- Federation of the Hungarian Printers, Budapest, Hungary
- Federation of Norwegian Process Industries (PIL), Oslo, Norway
- French Federation of the Paper, Cardboard &Cellulose Industries (COPACEL), Paris, France
- Finish Forest Industries Federation (FFIF), Helsinki, Finland
- Finish Paper Engineers Association, Helsinki, Finland
- Forest Stewardship Council, Italia
- German Pulp &Paper Association,(VDP) Bonn, Germany
- Industry Council for Packaging and Environment (INCPEN), London, UK
- International Association of Hand Papermakers and Paper Artists (IAPMA), Mainburg, Germany
- International Research Association for Deinking Technology (INGEDE), Munich, Germany
- Italian Association of Paper, Paperboard &Pulp Manufacturers, Italy
- National Association for Portuguese Pulp, Paper &Board Industry (CELPA), Portugal
- National Association of Manufacturers of Pulp, Paper and Board (ASPAPEL ), Spain
- Netherlands Paper &Board Association (VNP), Hoofddrop, The Netherlands
- Norsk Industri, Norway
- Paper Agent Association, Kent, UK
- Paper Chemical Association, UK
- Paper Federation of Great Britain
- Paper Industry Technical Association (PITA), Lancashire, UK
- Paper Technology Specialist (PTS), Muenchen, Germany (English & German)
- Pro Carton, European association of Carton manufacturers and Cartonboard Mills, Zurich, Switzerland
- Pulp & Paper Industry Association (SPPAC), Czech Republic
- Pulp & Paper Industry Federation of Slovak Republic, (ZCPP), Ruzomberok, Slovakia
- Russian Association of Pulp & Paper Organizations & Enterprises (RAO BUMPROM)
- Swedish Forest Ind. Federation (SFIF), Stockholm, Sweden
- Swedish Association of Pulp &Paper Engineers, Stockholm, Sweden
- Technical Association for Cellulose and Paper of Italy, Milano, Italy
- The Patronizing Organization for Romanian Pulp & Paper Industry (ROMPAP), Romania
- Union of Pulp and Paper Industry of the Slovak Republic (ZCPP SR),Banska Bystrica, Slovak Republic
- Vereinigung der Osterreichischen Papierindustrie - Austropapier, Veina, Austria
- Vereniging van Nederlandse Papier-en Kartonfabrieken (VNP), Kruisweg, Netherlands
- Arab Federation of Paper, Printing and Packaging Industries, Baghdad, Iraq (English & Arabic)
- Asian Corrugated Case Association, Singapore
- China Paper Association (CPA), Beijing, China
- China Standardization Technical Committee of Papermaking Industry
- China Technical Association of Paper Industry, China
- Federation des Industries Forestieres, Association des Arts Graphiques et de l'Emballage, Rabat, Morocco
- Federation of Corrugated Box Manufacturers (FCBM), New Delhi, India
- Indian Pulp & Paper Technical Association (IPPTA), Saharanpur, UP, India
- Indian Paper Manufacturers Association, New Delhi, India
- Indian Agro & Recycled Paper Mill Association (IARPMA), New Delhi, India
- Japan Technical Association of Pulp & Paper Industry, Japan
- Japan Paper Association, Tokyo, Japan
- Korea Packaging Association, Seoul, Korea
- Korea Paper Manufacturers Association, Korea
- Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry, Korea
- Malaysia Pulp & Paper Manufacturers Association, Selangor, Malaysia
- Packaging Manufacturers Association, Istanbul, Turky
- Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa (PAMSA),Johannesburg, South Africa
- Paper Recycling Association of South Africa, Rivonia, South Africa
- Syndicate of the Owners of Paper and Packaging Industries in Lebanon, Beirut, Lebanon
- Taiwan Technical Association of Pulp & Paper Industry, Taiwan
- Technical Association of Pulp &Paper Industry of Southern Africa (TAPPSA), Johannesburg, South Africa)
- Western India Corrugated Box Manufacturers Association (WIMCA), Mumbai, India
- New Zealand Forest Industries Council (NZFIC), Wellington, New Zealand
- New Zealand Forest Owners Association (NZFOA), Wellington, New Zealand
- Packaging Council of Australia, South Melbourne, Australia
- Technical Association. of Australian & NZ P & P Industry (APPITA), Carlton, Victoria, Australia
Sites added in 2021
URL updated